Benefits of Participation
The achievements of the Awards winners will be made aware by customers, organisations, the ICT industry practitioners and the entire community. Winners will be entitled:
- to receive the Hong Kong ICT Awards Gold / Bronze / Silver trophies or certificates;
- to display the official logo of the Hong Kong ICT Awards in their promotional materials;
- to be arranged to participate in various promotional campaigns to publicise their achievements;
- to be assisted in entering into other international awards and competitions;
- to the sponsorship offer from Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks of the “fast track” admission to the HKSTP Incu-Tech and Incu-Bio Incubation Programme; and
- to the sponsorship offer from Cyberport of free subscription of Collaboration Centre’s services including the soft-landing, business support services, etc.
Further details and conditions are available at the web site: The related Organiser reserves the right to exhibit and publicise the winning products or other entries at its discretion.
- 頒發金/銀/銅獎座或證書;
- 授權在宣傳物品上展示香港資訊及通訊科技獎的標誌;
- 安排於不同類型的推廣活動中宣傳其得獎項目;
- 協助參加其他國際獎項和比賽;
- 由香港科技園贊助的「快線審核」加入「科技創業培育計劃」及「生物科技創業培育計劃」
- 由數碼港贊助的免費登記使用其協作中心之服務,包括軟著陸、業務支援服務等。
詳情及細則請參閱網站 主辦機構保留展覽及發表得獎產品或其它參賽作品之酌情權利。